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If you go to 'DAF' in the menu at the top you can search using a specific chassis number together with a description of the parts. It is also possible to search using an engine number. The results shown are taken from the Paccar Parts After Sales database including jobs and component groups that contain all or part of the description.

The jobs displayed include the parts that are prescribed to perform the indicated job. The component section shows the defined component group that contains the part description. Clicking on 'Details' will give you more information on either the job or the component.

The 'Details' section contains a technical drawing that can be enlarged by clicking on it. The numbers included in the drawing correspond with the numbers in the list of parts. As you can see, in addition to original parts, alternative parts are shown, indicating the vendor of the parts where applicable. Optional and related parts are also shown. Per line you can see: An enlargeable picture of the part, the part number, which contains product specifications. To view the product specifications please click on the underlined part number. The logo indicates whether the part is DAF or TRP branded. If it is a vendor part, the part is currently shown as TRP, although it is vendor branded. The part description includes the vendor name where applicable. Your price. The price shown is the price you pay at your dealer when purchasing the part. The retail price is also shown. Whenever you have a valid MAX voucher, the MAX icon will be displayed. For more details on the MAX voucher, click on the icon. The section 'Stock' shows the availability at dealer level (green) and, if there is no stock at the dealer, the Paccar Parts stock is shown (orange). The time displayed indicates how long it will take to get the part to the dealer location you are ordering from. The quantity indicated is the quantity needed for the job but this can be adjusted. You can place parts directly into the shopping cart and finalise the order at your dealer via the 'Order' screen.


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