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Open Order


Clicking on 'Open Order' in the 'Order' menu at the top will open up the order you are currently working on. If no parts have been added, you can create a new order here. You can easily add part lines by entering the part number in the field 'DAF Part #' and adjust the quantity. When you click on the shopping cart icon, the part line will be added to your order.

Per line the part details shown include: The part number, which contains product specifications. To view the product specifications please click on the underlined part number. Info displays a red sign when information is available on the part number, for example supersession information. The part description includes the vendor name where applicable. Your price. The price shown is the price you pay at your dealer when purchasing the part. The retail price is also shown. The section 'Stock' shows the availability at dealer level (green) and, if there is no stock at the dealer, the Paccar Parts stock is shown (orange). The time displayed indicates how long it will take to get the part to the dealer location you are ordering from. The quantity can be adjusted to the quantity you would like to order. In the column 'Total' you will see the total amount to be paid per part line and at the end of the order you will find the total amount for the entire order excluding VAT. The last column can be used to delete a part line. If you would like to delete all part lines at once click on the cross at the top of the order. The field 'Remarks' is for you to add any notes to your order. These remarks will be sent to the dealer.

The fields at the top of the page indicate 'Your order number' and 'Your order reference'. Your order number is entered into the dealer's dealer management system as your order number. The order reference is a reference for you to track the order in your own records. Both numbers can be looked up at any time by going to the 'Order' menu at the top and clicking on 'Submitted Orders'. When you have completed your order, click on 'Order'.


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